In times of crisis, the promotion of assistance and support services to the population is essential. This article talks about the solution of and Zaask when they joined tech4COVID19.
What is the tech4COVID19 Movement?
Shortly, tech4COVID19 is a movement created by a group of founders of the Portuguese technological community. This group intended to create technological solutions that help the population overcome the challenge of COVID-19.
The movement has about twenty projects underway to combat the virus. Among them, are projects to improve tracking of contagion networks, facilitate video calls between doctors and patients; create a chatbot to clear up doubts about state support for businesses and individuals; disseminate information, recruit and coordinate health professionals, or even create a system that allows the population to check symptoms without having to go to the doctor.
The goal of these two Portuguese startups is to relieve the volume of calls to SNS 24. And, additionally, give more incentive for people to stay at home, without increasing the risk of spreading COVID-19.
So, this project is about linking volunteer health professionals to people who need assistance related to the new coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2). For that, users only need to access the chatbot, powered by, and answer a few screening questions.
The medical technicians access the triage's answers and consequently get in touch with the people via video call. The chat also offers official information from the Portuguese Health Authority (DGS) to contain the spread of the virus.
To read more about and Zaask's solution go to: Dinheiro Vivo, Jornal Económico, Marketeer, Mais Superior, Empreendedor, Imagens de Marca, amoung others.