
The Fantastic 2019 Visor.ai's Milestones

Our year in review

It was an astoundingly awesome year at Visor.ai. From doubling our company's size to automating email inbound processing, there are so many milestones to celebrate.

Here is a look back at our top 10 milestones of 2019:

1. We have more hands-on-deck

The year started with more challenges from our clients. The team had to grow to face the demand so that at the end of the year our team more than doubled in size. Luckily, so did our customer base and revenue.

2. We reached further into the world

We now have expanded beyond Europe adding Africa and Latin America making our presence on 3 different Continents.

3. We crossed technologies

Our solutions can now be integrated with WhatsApp which enables our clients to automatically interact with their customers through this channel.

4. We pioneered!

For the first time in Portugal, we made it possible for a bank to sell gadget insurance without the need for human intervention.

5. We made so many friends

Organizing our own promoted networking event - Insights by Visor.ai - gave us a lot of work but it was very rewarding. Learning from so many interesting people gave us no choice but to host the 2nd edition this April.

6. We make it happen!

By implementing a chatbot on WhatsApp we enabled the best marketing campaign ever for a television network.

7. We went a step forward

We are already automating email inbound processing. By applying AI, it's possible to know the subject of each email and automatically confirm if all the required documents are attached to proceed with the request.

8. We continue crossing technologies

In order to be able to identify the attached document, we invested in OCR processing of images.

9. We make everyone's life more productive

The integration with Salesforce allows everyone who's directly answering the customers' requests to know the state of the processes so that they only give continuity to emails that were automatically checked.

10. We found our voice!

We are already consolidating our voice-level solution. In 2019 we achieved the first version of integration with Voice Systems and in the coming months, there will surely be updates about this new Visor.ai product.

We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made our company’s successes possible. In this recognition, we want to show our appreciation to our loyal clients and other stakeholders. And especially, we want to express our gratitude to the entire Visor.ai team and extended family.

As a dedicated team, we aspire to be seen as the solution that companies think of when they want to automate communication processes. So, we'll continue to focus on meeting our clients' needs and we hope to have even more milestones achieved in this current year. Stay tuned to find out!