Our Experience in Automating Banking Communication Processes

Our experience in automating Banking communication processes

The digital transformation in the Banking industry took its first steps at the end of the 1990s. Since then, things have come a long way since then. The arrival and democratization of smartphones pushed Banking Institutions towards home banking solutions – online platforms that give users access to information and operations without having to go to a branch or ATM.

However, not everyone knows how to use this tool and they still need technical support. This is where the next stage of digitalization comes in. The introduction of automated communication processes with clients, available 24/7.

Two examples of such systems are BEA and A.L.I.C.E. Ubiquitous assistants powered by artificial intelligence (AI) at Banco Best and Atlântico Europa (two Portuguese Banking institutions).

Problems and Solutions

Picture this: you forgot to make an important money transfer and there are no ATMs nearby. Home banking might be a solution, but you’ve never used it before, and tech-savvy is not exactly your middle name. You just finished dinner, it’s past 10 pm and there is no telephone assistance available. The solution? If you’re a Best Bank or Atlântico Europa customer, you can just open the chatbot window (on the website or Facebook Messenger) and ask “How do I transfer money?”. Both chatbots will give you some options in less than two seconds. In contrast to human assistants, these AI-powered systems can answer multiple customers at the same time. You won’t need to wait interminably in a telephone queue to get an answer to a simple question.

Chatbots not only represents a way of updating customer service for banks. They are also an effective way of reducing costs. A Juniper Research study suggests that, by 2022, each interaction with a chatbot will save banking organizations 70 cents. The answering time of customer questions will take, on average, four minutes or less. Consequently, client communication processes will save time and millions of euros.

Furthermore, with each contact, the virtual assistant may suggest a new product or service based on customer activity. According to a Hubspot report, 47% of respondents are open to buying items using a chatbot. In addition, the conversion rate is highly superior to that of traditional methods, such as email marketing campaigns, for example.

Best Bank and Atlântico Europa choose us to update their customer service operations. Do you want to know what we can do for your company? Contact us via info@www.visor.ai and let’s start working!

Our Chatbot Experience in Insurance

Our chatbot experience in Insurance

Chatbots are changing the way companies communicate with their customers. In fact, Gartner predicts that next year 85% of client-enterprise communication will already be automated.

On a large scale, this technology will transform client service in multiple ways, as discussed here. Cost reduction and the possibility of having an assistant online 24/7 to help your customers are just two of the most relevant advantages of this scalable technology.

What can chatbots do for the Insurance sector?

Given their nature, the reality is that chatbots can always add something throughout the value chain of an insurance company. With so many service areas, there are many processes - like taking surveys and filling in application forms - that chatbots can facilitate. This works for clients, who can fill in forms and easily get information via their smartphones or computers, and also for workers, who gain more time to serve their clients better.

Additionally, these virtual assistants facilitate the often long buying process and can suggest other types of products based on customer behavior. The fact that everything is done via messaging apps, a preference of the Millennial generation – noted as one of the worst insurance buyers - is also a point in favor of chatbots.

Practical cases

In Tranquilidade, one of the big Portuguese insurance companies, our chatbot proved useful in many ways.

“This technology was introduced to the company as a proof of concept. With a low budget, Visor was challenged to show us if it was worth investing in this technology,” said Head of Operations, João Luís Marques

“We quickly realized it was fast to implement, user-friendly and created value for our clients because it not only opens a new communication channel, but it also brings us closer to our digital-savvy customers, who will gradually increase in number, even in a 100-year-old company like ours,” adds João.

“We’re ‘teaching’ the bot on a daily basis. The company can now answer in a more autonomous way and we will soon have a transaction feature in use. This is, without a doubt, a technology to publicize our latest deals and offers.”

Tranquilidade also told us that one of their deaf clients, used the chatbot multiple times to get information about the procedure following an accident, which shows that this technology could also help companies to adopt more socially inclusive practices.

Chatbots can always be a plus to companies. However, businesses can lose potential clients when they don’t meet customers’ expectations. This means that if your enterprise wants to invest in a chatbot, it must be one that works according to your expectations.

Reach us via info@www.visor.ai and find out what we can do for your relationship with your customers. 

The Challenges of a Successful Chatbot Implementation

The challenges of a successful chatbot implementation

Chatbot: one of the technologies companies are adopting to improve their operations. Although it’s a key tool to represent your business and serve your clients better, there are several challenges associated with its implementation:

Create value for your customers

Ask yourself this: will the implementation of a chatbot create value for my business? If so, how?

An advanced chatbot is not worth it if it doesn’t create value for the customer journey - it’s important to understand whether the investment is worth it.

Ask yourself if this technology will:
  • Improve the company’s communication with its clients;
  • Give more time to workers which they can devote to better customer care;
  • Be used by your stakeholders.

Meet your audience

It’s also vital to know which of your customers will use this tool – which, after all, would become obsolete if there were no customers to help. As such, our advice is to assess the age groups of your target and to understand who interacts more with your website and social networks – the hosts of your new tool.

Abide by the Privacy and Security regulation

Making sure your clients feel secure and that their privacy is uncompromised is of paramount importance. This is an increasing concern among consumers, which means that questions asked by chatbots should be restricted to those that are strictly necessary and people should be informed they are communicating under the General Data Protection Regulation.

Additionally, it’s vital that the network hosting the chatbot is protected against possible hacking attacks. These features are especially important in businesses that deal with sensitive information, such as the Banking, Healthcare and Insurance sectors.

Make the chatbot “human”

We know. It might seem strange to talk about making a robot more human, but even if people know that they are talking to a chatbot, they want an easy, fluid and, more importantly, a fast interaction. So, the idea behind these systems is to ease communication with a business and a bad experience with a robot might well have the opposite outcome.

To become more efficient and be able to attract and retain Internet users, chatbots must be useful, careful, trustworthy and likable – bear in mind that this will be the first interaction that most of your clients will have when meeting your business.

Ongoing commitment with the chatbot

It’s equally important that there’s an ongoing commitment to the maintenance of this system. We must stress that, if there’s no one in charge of the maintenance of the chatbot, there’s a high chance that, sooner or later, the assistant will have issues. However, this isn’t complex, so you can hand this task to an IT junior employee.

To know where the customer experience with the chatbot starts and ends

Another barrier you may well come across when trying to implement a chatbot is the idea that people would rather communicate with other people than with robots – a subject discussed in “Are we ready to communicate with chatbots?”.

Despite their ability to transform the customer experience, chatbots can’t fix everything. Therefore it’s important to define where the customer journey starts and ends with these assistants and where it begins with humans, better able to help customers with complex problems.


Lastly and probably one of the most relevant questions is: “How much are we spending on creating and implementing a chatbot that is efficient and creates value for our customers?” You might be surprised by the answer – contact us via info@www.visor.ai and let us show you what we can do for your company.

Are We Ready to Communicate with Chatbots

Are we ready to communicate with chatbots?

We’ve entered a phase of the digital era in which “artificial intelligence” and “virtual assistants” are on the agenda. The stories from the 80s and 90s  we saw on the big screens are now a reality. In our modern world, where robots are becoming more human, there’s something we must ask: are you ready to communicate with a robot or a chatbot?

“A chatbot? What is that?” – you may ask.

Even if you don’t know, it’s likely that you’ve already communicated with one. Surprisingly, the device you’re using to read this article may have one of these systems.

“Oh really?”

Yes. And, if this wasn’t amazing enough, these digital robots are available in two categories:

In virtual assistants. Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and Microsoft Cortana are some of the examples available on the market. These kinds of chatbots, usually available on smartphones, are equipped with artificial intelligence and machine learning. Two features that enable them to learn and understand what they’re asked.

Or in messaging apps, which companies are adopting to solve basic questions and to have a customer service available 24/7. These assistants are available on platforms like Facebook Messenger, WeChat, LinkedIn, and, more frequently, on institutional websites.

So, it's probable that you’ve already talked to a chatbot without realizing it. According to a study by Drift, in 2017, 15% of the respondents had communicated with a messaging chatbot. But are people ready to communicate with chatbots if they know they’re talking to a robot?

63% of people say “yes” to chatbots

Studies show us that yes - we are ready.  Humanity in the Machine report indicates that 63% of people are predisposed to communicate with a brand or a business via chatbot. Another study points out that 29% of consumers would rather contact businesses via chatbot, more than those who would rather do it by email (27%).

Among millennials, a generation whose behavior partly differs from its predecessors for preferring to communicate with messages, 48% say they’re ready to receive recommendations of advice from chatbots, as reported by research from DigitasLBI.

All these studies point to a positive scenario should companies use these modern tools in their operations. However…

Consumers are not willing to deal with bad chatbots

Although they are ready to connect with robots, consumers are not ready to carry out a conversation with bad chatbots. The same study from DigitasLBI indicates that 73% of Americans wouldn’t contact a company via chatbot again if they had a bad experience initially. Humanity in the Machine points in the same direction with the conclusion that 61% of people find robots that can’t answer something more frustrating than if it’s a person.

So, are we ready to communicate with chatbots? Yes, but if companies want to create value with these systems, they need an efficient assistant that’s capable of answering the simple questions that customers ask.

Are you ready to adopt chatbots? Contact us via info@www.visor.ai and let us introduce you to this brand new world.

Chatbots Drive to Cost Reduction and Scalability

Chatbots drive to Cost Reduction and Scalability

Businesses are slowly starting to acknowledge a tool that promises to upgrade company-client relationships. This new modern instrument is called a chatbot. And it has the capacity to resolve customer issues in a more efficient and faster way.

It is one of the most important business opportunities in the Digital Era. These new virtual assistants not only have the power to reduce costs but also to improve customer service.

But how do companies find the return on their investment?

It’s a relevant question. The answer is not that simple as it depends from company to company.

Companies spend 1.3 trillion dollars annually on customer service calls, according to IBM data. Alternatively, Chatbot Magazine indicates that, on average, companies benefit from a 30% cost reduction when implementing a chatbot system.

The customer care departments, dedicated to speaking to clients via social media and telephone, can be costly. Apart from that, it’s not easy to retain employees in these types of services. They usually get bored of answering the same questions repeatedly.

One of the best features of chatbots is their ability to free employees to target bigger client challenges. The kind that is not as easy to solve and can’t be answered by a chatbot.

Here’s an example of this technology’s potential. According to Autodesk, half of the questions that clients have can be answered by chatbots.

Added to this, these virtual assistants can be connected 24/7. They can solve multiple issues at once. And when chatbots can’t, the system will leave a ticket so human agents contact the client. Although the client will not have their questions answered immediately, the assistants will follow up. They'll already know what the issue is and will reach out to the client with a solution.

Cost reduction will be higher in the Banking, Retail and Healthcare sectors

A study by Juniper Research concluded that in 2023, banking, retail, and healthcare sectors will save 11 billion euros per year with the introduction of chatbots. The market research enterprise estimates that consumers and professionals save 2.5 million hours with these kinds of systems.

Although this drives the cost reduction and scalability, the biggest return companies will get will be customer satisfaction. Consumers will always have a virtual assistant dedicated to answering their questions.

Do you think this technology would do wonders for your business? Reach our team via info@www.visor.ai and let’s improve your customer experience together.

Why is Visor.ai Different from Other Online Platforms

Why Visor.ai is different from other online chatbot platforms

There is a huge variety of chatbot builder platforms. And you can find online with a freemium model or at a very low price. The best thing about it is you can try them out and that won’t cost you a thing.

Actually, Visor.ai and these other online chatbot platforms have a lot in common in terms of basic functions. However, Visor.ai offers a much more complete solution. It meets the needs of big enterprises, which differs from the features provided by these other platforms.

Here are some of the reasons you might want to choose Visor.ai:

Create complex chatbots

With Visor.ai’s platform, you can create very complex chatbots, both for customer support, internal support, marketing campaigns, lead generation, etc. All without the need for coding from your side!

Also, these kinds of chatbot platforms won’t let you create a real knowledge base to answer more complex questions. It may be ideal to build interactive and low marketing-oriented chatbots. But when it comes to customer support chatbots, they leave a lot to be desired.

Integrate with different chat platforms

Visor.ai lets you deploy your chatbot wherever you want – on your website, app, Facebook Messenger, among other chat platforms. Our solution doesn't need any other providers.

On the other hand, some of these freemium platforms are only available for some specific chat platforms. You can deploy it on a website too. But it still depends on a Facebook Messenger account to work. You’ll receive the conversation notification there also, which can be pretty annoying.

Native call center feature

Our solution includes a call center feature, which we call Live Chat, where your team can answer to the clients directly in the platform. The Live Chat combines the queries from all the places where your chatbots are deployed, like Messenger, websites, etc. That is, you can have a chatbot in different platforms and just one place to answer them all, without having to attend to different call centers.

Also, we created 3 levels of access to the platform for your contact center team, according to their position in the chain: assistant, supervisor or admin level. This gives you access to different features, like the possibility to redirect tickets.

All in one platform

Visor.ai solution has the perfect balance with a Chatbot builder tool, with a complex AI trainer, native Live Chat module and analytics tool - all in one single platform. Also, our natively developed webchat maintains the good user experience of Facebook Messenger, conserving all its core characteristics, like galleries, quick replies, buttons, and web views.

Alternatively, the customer would have to pick several solutions available online to operate together, which represents huge IT developments and which gives rise to an untested and unreliable solution.

History of interactions

Additionally to the metrics we provide, our Dashboard displays ALL the history of interactions that occurred within the platform. We also make sure to go through that history to find if the chatbot is answering well, then presenting insights to help our clients to make their chatbot better.

AI quality with industry knowledge

In Visor.ai we have developed state of the art Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms, which are completely managed by our team and can be adapted for each sector and client.

Regarding the other platforms, usually, they don’t have any kind of NLP and its AI has a lot of limitations. You can set up some triggers and the bot will give a parametrized answer to those queries – however, if the user doesn’t write it exactly how it’s supposed to, then it won’t even know how to respond.

Constant support and training

We think that the most important thing for our clients is that we guide them throughout the entire process of building the chatbot. Even after that when the chatbot is live.

We want to make sure we give the best possible solution to the clients that trust us and that we make really good chatbots. We don’t want numbers, we focus on having satisfied customers. And we think that’s all that matters.

Wait no more and contact us for a quick demo!

What can internal chatbots do for your company

What Can Internal Chatbots Do for Your Company?

Companies often use chatbots to optimize their Customer Service. However, when they have many employees, the internal processes need a little boost as well. That’s where the internal chatbots may be a great help!

Did you know that chatbots can be used inside a company as well?

In this article, you’re going to learn how internal chatbots can be a tremendous enterprise advantage. Keep reading to learn more!

What are Internal Chatbots?

As the name implies, Internal Chatbots are solutions used within something. In this case, companies. They’re AI solutions that automate internal enterprise processes, like those in HR or the Operations departments.

AI in Internal Chatbots

Like you might have noticed (because we already said it), these solutions use AI or Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is what makes it possible for this kind of bots to understand and respond to users.

The two essential technologies that enable virtual agents to have any kind of human behavior are NLP and ML.

NLP, or Natural Language Processing, is responsible for the bot’s understanding and processing of human languages, like English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

On the other hand, ML or Machine Learning is the area that allows the bot’s self-learning. Through the different interactions with users, the system learns to categorize and arrange the requests and grow its knowledge base.

Learn more about Machine Learning and its different algorithms in the article How Does Machine Learning work in AI Chatbots?

AI Internal Chatbots Use Cases

As we already mentioned, Internal Chatbots act only inside the company, meaning only the organization’s employees have access to it.

That said, enterprises often use this kind of chatbot to optimize their teams’ work and reduce corporative costs.

Operations Department

Big corporations, like banks, insurance companies, telco operators, and others, usually have small branches spread throughout the country or the world. 

The larger the company, the more different types of procedures it has associated with it, making it impossible for workers to know all of them.

Not to mention the resources the company has to spend to keep this kind of information updated.

Typically, branch employees have to call the company’s assistance or look for the answer in a manual or PDF. They probably don’t obtain the right solution, which may lead to eventual problems or customer complaints. 

Plus, the time they spent searching for an answer is money that the company doesn’t gain.

With a chatbot, all of those worries disappear since it responds instantaneously with the right answer.

This kind of chatbots performs as an instruction manual for your coworkers to lean on. They provide your staff with an always-on knowledge base to consult when they have doubts.

HR Department

Another use case of these chatbots is in the Human Resources department. 

Sometimes it’s difficult, in big companies, to have a quick answer from the HR department. 

Maybe you need to take the next day off and you need to inform them, but the answer never arrives. 

Well, with a chatbot, your workers don’t need to wait, and that informations is automatically saved on your company’s HR system.

The same happens to other HR processes, like leaves or documentation requests.

To know more about Chatbots for Human Resources, click here.

Internal chatbots are the Holy Grail of internal communication. We’ll tell you why.

The Amazing Benefits Internal Chatbots Bring to your Company

1) Provides Staff Support

You don’t want your team lost in their tasks without providing them with some helpful tools, right? 

The same way you implemented a Frequently Asked Questions list in your website or created some guidelines with procedures in the company, you can now implement a chatbot to help your team daily.

2) Enables Quicker Responses

Chatbots are really time-saving since you ask a question and get an answer right away. 

This quickness saves your employees time and efficiently solves their doubts. 

Have you ever been frustrated when not finding an answer you were looking for and ended up quitting your intent? No more need for that.

3) Enhances Enterprise Unity 

Besides being a great help, chatbots can also be fun. 

They can provide your team with detailed answers and send some alerts and information.

To send notifications to your employees, you may use the Broadcast feature

This way, you can power the engagement with your employees, assist them in times of need, and send some quick notifications to wish them a good day.

You choose. We can only tell you that chatbots can be beneficial in maintaining your employees happy.

4) Easy Integration with Internal Platforms

Chatbots are typically set up in platforms that the employees use every day, like the company’s website or the intranet.

This way, there’s no forcing them to adapt to even more platforms.

Also, internal chatbots are a way to combine all answers in one place.

5) Connects Different Departments Within the Company

In big companies, people from different departments and demographic regions don’t always communicate. 

Also, in cases like banking or insurance companies, there’s the headquarters and other small agencies spread across the country. And most of the time, there’s no strong communication between all of them.

Having a chatbot inside the company, besides solving those connecting issues, can combine knowledge from the different areas, concentrating all the available information in one place.

6) Increases Your Employees Engagement Level

A chatbot is a virtual agent that answers directly to questions. So, instead of spending several minutes (or hours) trying to find an answer somewhere in the office or calling someone, people can go to the chatbot and ask directly.

As you could see, chatbots are a powerful tool because they can serve many purposes and intentions. 

If you’re interested in acquiring one of these fantastic communication tools, Visor.ai can help you! It’s quick and easy, and you don’t need to code.

Design: Marta Ramos; Text Edition: Filipa Perdigão

5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Your Customer Service

5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Your Customer Service

You've probably heard that customer service was dying. All that because of the robots, machines, and new technology were erupting. Artificial Intelligence is one of that new technologies and it's scary the perception we have of new things when we don't know what they do, right?

Now, because of Artificial Intelligence, the customer service industry is growing and evolving. And, more importantly, is helping employees do their jobs better, not stealing their jobs. AI improves human performance by giving people the time to do their work properly and freeing them for more critical tasks.

Artificial Intelligence it’s “customer-centric”

It's a given fact that providing a service or selling a product in the 21st century it's all about delivering experiences. Customers now want to be treated like a priority, not to spend hours before being answered - it’s called efficiency.

AI powers real-time customer support. It ends the waiting times (that are forever, in some cases) for the customer's needs to be met. Besides, a chatbot is always enthusiastic and eager to help assistant. It provides a good mood conversation, as it's not susceptible to mood swings.

With a chatbot, you can even ask for feedback and learn how you can improve your communication channels. They also decrease efforts. Once people are using channels they already use daily - Facebook Messenger and the service website, for example - and get answered quickly.

So, as your goal must be to retain current customers plus get new ones, a good experience in customer care boosts the chance of your clients purchasing again and improves their loyalty.

Omnichannel support

Chatbots can be deployed almost everywhere - Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, websites, apps, etc. And they can complete a customer support network, adding to phone and email, the traditional channels of communication.

Also, sometimes this means a disruption in your market. Since customer care is one of the main pains that companies cause their users, being recognized for good care is a sign that you’re way ahead of the competition.

As you see, good customer support puts your company at the leading edge of innovation.

Scale your customer support capacity

With Artificial Intelligence and chatbots, we are able to automate up to 70% of the companies' interactions. This saves them more time to focus on more important tasks. Besides, when the system can't answer the questions, the interactions go to a Live Chat with human assistants.

So, when the assistants do focus on customer care, they put more time and effort to that task, which results in a better overall performance.

Also, it's possible for the assistants to answer 3 or more chats simultaneously. That isn't possible when the customer takes care of it by phone or email.

Learn from past interactions

With the help of our Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning algorithms, we help understand patterns of automated queries previously requested and teach the machine how to answer to those same requests in the future. We also developed some advanced features in this field, like a word cloud tool where we dispose of the most asked words and expressions so they can be automated.

This way our platform it's like a cookie monster that gets bigger every time it eats a cookie: our AI algorithm is constantly learning and getting better and stronger.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

At Visor.ai we developed an in house solution for automatic document reading, which serves our clients in many different areas. They can use it to automatically read submitted documents, all this in a matter of seconds.

You can also use it to read invoices, contracts, and other standard documents. Having all the information available in a digital format makes it a lot easier to access and update, saving time and effort. It also avoids the loss of documents and makes them quicker to get.

Have you imagined the time you can save by treating your client's standard and repetitive documents in an automatic way?

To sum up...

Satisfied customers mean they’ll probably buy from you again and, even better, they’ll become “influencers” of your business, recommending them to other people. This gives you a fan base of loyal customers and advocates for your brand.

Pretty good for a business, right? Contact us for further details!

5 Tips to Make the Most of Corporate Innovation Programs

5 Tips to Make the Most of Corporate Innovation Programs

As you should know by now, in Visor.ai we're like the masters of open acceleration programs. We participated in a lot of them. We've been to London, Santiago de Chile, Lisbon, Shanghai, Kraków, Madrid, and so on.

So now we can say that we have a lot of experience in accelerators, both corporate and independent ones.

As Tech in Asia refers, the corporate ones have the huge advantage that their parent companies have a lot more resources than the independent ones. So, we've gathered some tips you should think about if you want to make the most of accelerator programs powered by big corporates.


How to Get the Most Out of Innovation Programs?


1. Gain valuable contacts

Normally, the people participating in these programs from the corporate side are people at the top of the chain. So, you get to talk to the Head of Innovation, the Marketing Director, the Customer Support Director, or, if you're lucky, the CEO of the company.

This should get you a lot of contacts and connections inside an important company, which is even more useful if that company could be a potential client for you. Instead of pursuing endlessly that company that you want to work with, you'll be in touch with them and have it easier to make business.


2. Know the company inside and out

If your market is big companies, this is the best opportunity you'll ever have to know these companies from the inside. Who's best to tell you all about what they want and need than themselves? You'll be surrounded by people that know exactly what their pains are, and maybe they're ones you'll have a solution for.

This is also a great opportunity to validate assumptions and identify if a product or service is suitable for these companies or not.


3. Close the deal - sell!

You've gone all the way through the accelerator and, either if you've won, that's not what matters the most. Now that you gained the company's trust, you usually have the chance to move to a pilot stage and implement your solution for that client.

If you're successful, that can result in a whole range of new developments for them, which should ideally be scalable for other clients and projects. We have experienced that with various clients we worked with during corporate accelerators, such as Lisboa City Hall in Smart Open Lisboa, Fidelidade in Protechting, Credibom's Start&Pulse, and Prio Jump Start. What started with a pilot has grown to be a client-provider relationship, with us providing them with different solutions with chatbots and Artificial Intelligence for their business.


4. Get valuable advice

Do you consider it a failure if you end the program without winning or having sold anything? Think again: even if that happens, you'll have a ton of useful insights from the connections you've made. Maybe your product isn't exactly what the company needs or you're choosing the wrong targets to sell it to or the company may not yet be ready to receive your solution. There you can find out.


5. Get potential investors

Besides working with you, they may find your solution so good that they will want to invest. Can you imagine?

A huge, mature company injecting its money directly into your company!

Not only will it give you the boost you need to grow, but it will also attract other large companies to invest.

Have you ever heard that "the grass is always greener on the other side"?

The market works the same way: once you get a big name to work with you, others will know you exist and may want your offering as well. That said, what are you waiting for to apply for the corporate accelerator program you have your eye on?

While you're there, keep our tips in mind and get as much out of it as you can.

And remember: there's nothing to lose. Even when you don't win, there's always some conclusion to be drawn, even if it's just good memories.

If you want a 1-on-1 call to know more about our journey, talk to us!

Winners of Protechting 2.0

Fidelidade and Visor.ai: A Relationship That Goes Beyond Time

Our relationship with Fidelidade began in early 2017 when we were one of the winners of the 2nd edition of Protechting.

The accelerator program, powered by Fidelidade and Fosun in partnership with Beta-i, chose 3 winners and, being one of them, we were rewarded with a 10 thousand euros prize and a roadshow to China.

Since then, we have developed a close relationship with the insurance company.

The first chatbot 

As part of the Protechting 2.0 pilot, Visor.ai and Fidelidade began working together.

We developed a chatbot for Fidelidade's Facebook Messenger that knew how to answer the most frequent interactions. This way it dispensed their customer support team from answering the same things over and over again.

After more than one year, that chatbot is still there, and it was a great opportunity for us to show the main advantages of a chatbot and to scale to other channels within the company.

The invitation to MozTech

As a result of the first achievement, we maintained our strong relationship with Fidelidade. Since they see Visor.ai as a successful case from their program, they usually invite us to share our experience in Protechting 2.0.

Visor.ai at MozTech 2018

We went to Mozambique to talk at MozTech, a technological fair that took place in Maputo in May. We were there talking about the "Ecosystem of the technological entrepreneurship".

Panel discussion at Web Summit 2018

Web Summit 2018 was special for Fidelidade and Protechting. The Protechting 3.0 final pitch took place at the event and Visor.ai was invited once again to be present.

This time, we were part of a panel discussion about “How to develop a successful work between startups and corporates?”.

Visor.ai and Protechting at Web Summit 2018
Our Co-founder Gianluca Pereyra, Manuel Tanger, Co-founder and Head of Innovation @ Beta-i, Filipe Martins from Fidelidade, and Pedro Sousa from Jack the Maker.

Above all, the discussion was very interesting and enlightening because we had the chance to share our experiences and, at the same time, get to know the point of view of the other participants.

The next steps

As we know that we bring value to each other, the relationship between us and Fidelidade is growing and evolving. We are currently working on 2 new projects that will come out this year.

We can say that Protechting really was a turning point for us. It took place in an early stage of our path and actually changed the way we do business. We now focus on our clients' real pains and develop what meets their needs.

Looking back, we have only good memories of this partnership and are thankful to be surrounded by such incredible associates. Now we look forward to you seeing the new projects we'll have out there!

Start-Up Chile Meetup Lisbon 2018

3 reasons why Start-Up Chile was great for Visor.ai

Visor.ai went to Start-up Chile and tells you why this program was incredible!

During Web Summit, we had the pleasure to meet with some friends we made during our experience in Start-Up Chile. This included Sebastián Díaz Mesa, CEO of Start-Up Chile, Sofía Del Sante, ex-Chief Strategy Officer at Start-Up Chile, and some fellow ex-suppers from different generations of the program. Yes, the Start-Up Chile participants have a name. We are known as “Suppers” and recognized by that all around Chile!

Start-Up Chile is a seed accelerator program created by the Chilean Government. It seeks to attract early-stage, high-potential entrepreneurs to bootstrap their startups using Chile as a platform to go global. Visor.ai had the privilege to participate in 2017, being part of Generation 17 of this program.

This was not only a meeting of friends with common goals and the conviction that they can change the world. It was an excellent opportunity to remember some of the main points we took from this amazing experience.

 Here we highlight 3 of them:
  1. Global Community – Meet fellow “Suppers” from all around the world and a community of enthusiastic entrepreneurs and mentors always ready to help each other. It's a very active community and this meetup was proof of that.
  2. Validation of the Latin American market – Chile is the most stable economy in Latin America and can be a good starting point for an expansion in that part of the world. With the support, mentoring, and guidance of Start-Up Chile, we got a very clear perspective of the different markets in this continent. That way, we could take a look at what the landscape of chatbots and virtual assistants looks like. We were able to define a clear roadmap of expansion and determine what sales channels were better for us.
  3. Equity-free money – 40.000 USD funded by the Chilean government with no strings attached to spend on expenses related to the project. It seems like a good deal! 


If you are running a startup and you feel that even one of these 3 points is relevant for you at this stage, don't miss this opportunity and apply for the program.


You won’t regret it and will have a life-changing adventure.